Northern Rollers Dominate Eastern Split with 7-2 Record

After a so-so 2023 season, the revamped Rollers came out gunning at the 2024 Eastern Split, topping the table with seven wins, against just two losses. Joining returnees Jessica Kawamoto and Corey Osborne are Matty Stodola (Pronghorns), Casey Rodgers (Rush), Ryan Torresin (4th overall pick, 2024) and Tara Di Giuseppe (19th overall, 2024).

Kawamoto and Torresin were superb in all nine matches, each fashioning 14-4 win-loss records, with Kawamoto capturing four Player of the Match nods, while Torresin claimed one. Rodgers went 9-9, Stodola was 7-7 with one Player of the Match and Osborne was 2-2.

The Rollers, capably managed by Corey Sigvaldason, opened with a clean sweep of the Vancouver Rush and capped the Eastern Split with a thorough 4-0 drubbing of a very strong Southwestern Ontario Brewers team.

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