Defending Champion Toronto United Start Slowly, Finish 4-5 with a Flourish

After an outstanding championship season in 2023, United seemed positioned to do very well at the inaugural event of the 2024 campaign. However, even with three solid returning vets they managed to open with three straight losses, before salvaging a decent showing with a 4-2 mark the rest of the way.

Leading the way for the season are re-signed vets Matt Kawamoto (3-9 in six matches), Mark Gottfried (5-9 in seven matches and Carolina Hack (10-4 in seven matches and three Player of the Match awards).

Added to a solid roster are former East Toronto Smash alumnus Chris Alain (4-6 in five matches), 25th overall pick Joanna Phang (10-4 in seven matches, one Player of the Match) and pre-Eastern Split pick-up Sneha Iyer. Overall, a decent showing from the 2023 champs.

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